Antioch, Livermore, Bay Bridge rail studies, eBART project concept
Managed all or part of several planning projects for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). These include:
- eBART Pittsburg-Antioch DMU project concept, including level cross-platform transfer platform at Pittsburg
- eBART Fleet Management Plan meeting FTA requirements, and supporting exercise of vehicle contract options
- Strategic Opportunities Assessment: managed development, assessment and presentations (to staff and local agencies) of alternative rail extensions from Richmond BART Station into West Contra Costa County and Vallejo, and provided related technical advice to BART staff.
- Livermore extension studies, including DMU option from Dublin/Pleasanton Station, and possibilities for an Altamont Pass extension
- Downtown Oakland Streetcar concept, and alternatives, to serve Jack London Square in lieu of a traditional BART station at that location
- Bay Bridge rail study (for BART and MTC)
- BART’s program manager for the Bay Area Regional Rail Study
- Member of the team evaluating short and long-term options for local passenger rail service between Auburn, Roseville, Sacramento, Davis, and Dixon, continuing to a BART connection. Developed integrated service concepts, capital and operations concepts and cost estimates, and an implementation plan (for BART, Sacramento RT, Capitol Corridor JPA)
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